Welcome to my website! I’m so glad that you could stop by for a visit!

I began writing in 2006. My bucket list had always included “write a book,” and I had been blessed with what I hoped was a great story idea. So off I went! That book would be rewritten many times, but it is now available as Twist of Fate and is still a story near and dear to my heart.

After completing that first story, I found myself addicted to the process of writing. There is nothing more rewarding than taking an idea and then nurturing it until it is a complete novel. I wrote steadily until 2016 when I lost my husband Jeff to colon cancer. For two years, my mind was silent as I healed and adjusted.

In 2018, I met my second husband, Brian. He is an amazing man who has encouraged me to get back to the writing that I love so much. You can look forward to new stories as soon as I can churn them out. In the meantime, I hope you’ll enjoy my published stories. If you want to hear about those new books or be regaled with stories of my wonderful grandchildren, please follow me on Facebook and Twitter at “sandyjamesbooks.”

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Sandy James
© 2010 Sandy James & TechnoBitca Designs